We are seeking volunteers to help with Polynesian Days 2024. The more help we have the more events we will be able to offer
The 2024 Parade is August 3 starting at 1pm.
Below is the parade entry form, please complete the fillable form and return to sherriewesterlund@gmail.com
If you have any questions please contact Sherrie Westerlund at 780-915-5967 or sherriewesterlund@gmail.com

For 50 years Polynesian Days has become a time-honoured tradtion in Alberta Beach. The long weekend each year is full of fun, family-oriented activites.
Below is the list of events along with the coloring contest flyers. We look forward to seeing you all at the weekend events.
Welcome to the 50th Annual

Parade Marshall:
For thirteen years Anita Warholik’s smiling face and welcoming “hi” has been greeting visitors as they enter the Village Office 4935 – 50 Street.
Anita first set her feet into our lake, sand and ground 18 years ago. Her recreational time includes outdoor activities, exploring the natural beauty of our lake and surrounding forested areas while being in the moment with friends, family and acquaintances.
Anita participates in fundraising to benefit children’s activities available in Alberta Beach. She has helped raise funds to reconstruct the skating rink and sports supplies to our Beachwave Park. Anita’s ability to bring together a village is contagious. Her motto is “Together We Can Make It Happen”
Anita is honoured to be our 2024 Parade Marshal this 50th anniversary of Polynesian Days. We thank you for all she has contributed and done in the past and will do for an anticipated awesome future.
Ke gula (Gold) Sponsors

Ke kala (Silver) Sponsors
Alberta Beach

Keleawe (Bronze) Sponsors

Friends of Poly Days
Alberta Beach Guardian Drugs
Beachside Market
ATB Financial Alberta Beach
Onoway's Handmade Market
K's General Store
Village Office
Dianne's Tri Village Pizza
The Beachside Grind
Schedule of Events
Friday, August 2
5 pm Food Trucks at Gazebo Park & around Village all weekend
6 pm Lions Club 50/50 raffle tickets can be purchased all weekend
6 pm Coloring Contest begins, contest ends 5pm on Sunday Aug 4. Complete and drop off at Post Office (4711-47 st) Sponsored by FORTIS
6 pm GSM Inspections gives you the Polydays Storefront Decoration Contest. Judging on Saturday
Saturday, August 3
8 am ABADASA Slow pitch Tournament begins. Contact Chilli 780 257-0467. Use Ab.adasa@gmail.com to register or have Questions.
9-11 am Bacon & Egger 50+ club
11 am Parade staging begins at Agliplex, judging at noon
11-5 pm Village of Alberta Beach presents Kid’s Park in Gazebo Park. Featuring Balloon Artist, bouncy castles (noon-4pm) and more. Only $5 to play all day!
11-7 pm Polydays Sidewalk BBQ at Village Office (4935-50th ave) Fire Rescue International Dunk Tank
12-5 pm Alberta Beach Museum, Heritage Park Open
1 pm. PARADE! Parade Marshal Anita (Theriaut) Warolik, Parade. Sponsored by Alberta Beach Farmers' Market, thank you to Jack and Dave Cooper for supplying driver and car!
2 pm After Parade: Onoway Regional Fire Service has a Spray & Play At Boat Launch Park
2-6 pm. Beachwave Park Events. Car and Boat races, hit Target with Water balloons
2-6 pm Art Walk at the Apliplex, Check out our local artists
2 pm Heritage Village Hula Hoop Contest, Alberta Beach Museum
3 pm Meat Draw Jungles Bar and Grill
3 pm Meat Draw at Jeddy’s Bar
Sunday, August 4
8 am Abadasa Slow pitch Tournament resumes
9-11 am Pancake breakfast, 50+ club
11:30-3 pm Farmers Market! Operated by the Alberta Beach AG Society
11-3 pm Jack’s Autobody/Carstar Presents Bouncy Castles at Beachwave Park
11-4 pm Face Painter at Beachwave Park sponsored by What Women Want (AB AG Society)
11-4 pm Sidewalk Chalk Coloring contest at Beachwave Park
12 noon closing ceremonies. Blessings from Alexander Elder Dolphus Yellowdirt, speeches from local dignitaries, Indigenous dancers and singers from Alexander. Sponsored by Lions and SANG. Cake and refreshments to follow.
12-5 pm Alberta Beach Museum, Heritage Village open
1 pm Heritage Village Family Sports Day, Alberta Beach Museum
3 pm Meat Draw at Jungles Bar & Grill
3 pm Meat Draw at Jeddy’s Bar
4 pm Jungles tug-of-war, behind Jungles Bar & Grill. Contact Sheila 780 924-2242 or Natasha 780 983-0131
Monday, August 5
12-5 pm Alberta Beach Museum, Heritage Park open
1 pm Prizes for Coloring Contest to be given out at Beachwave Park